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Queen's Guide Award




What else can you do?
There's more to senior section than meets the eye. Here are some of things that you can do:

are 14 to 26, friendly, caring and up for all kinds of fun

Young leaders:
are dedicated to helping young girls enjoy the challenges of guiding. You can also become a ranger and even train to be an adult leader! Open to anyone aged 14- 18.

under the age of 26 can make the most of all Senior Section opportunities, and that includes being a ranger!

Stuff to do!
Queen's Guide Award:
The ultimate achievement in guiding, open to any ranger, young leader or guider aged 16- 26

Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme:
A programme of challenginga activities and rewarding experiences. If you are 14- 25, you can get involved

GirlGuiding UK's forum for young women ages 16 to 26. Innovate is a residential experience that takes place every summer and lets you share views, make new friends, and influence the future

An exciting opportunity to work abroad on a range of community projects for members aged 16- 30

(Student Scout and Guide Organisation)
If you are busy studying, this fun and flexible way to connect with friends could be just the one for you

An ideal opportunity fro 18- 30s to keep in touch with guiding by combining social events with outdoor activities

Peer Education:
Share your knowledge and experience with other young people, and play a positive role in shaping lives

The BYC (British Youth Council):
An important voice for young people in Britain today. The BYC talks directly to Government, policy makers and media.
Essential Facts
We are the biggest voluntary association for girls in the UK, with more than 600,000 members!

Girls get involved in all kinds of fun and rewarding activities, make lasting friends and learn positive values for life.

There is plenty on offer for every age:

Rainbows- 5- 7 years
Brownies- 7- 10 years
Guides- 10- 14 years
Senior Section- 14- 25 years
Leaders- 18- 65 years

This is your chance to make the most of yourself.

Girl Gudiing UK welcomes etra help, in any shape or form. Whatever you can offer, everyone benefits! Get in touch for more info.
Join us!!!
Getting involved in Guiding couln't be easier.

Discover a whole new world of fun, friends and adventure!

Main contact numbers for Girl Guiding UK

Telephone- 0800 69 59 01

Email- joinus@guiding.org.uk

Web- www.girlguiding.org.uk